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Hi, I'm Meg!

I am professional Space Maker, homemaker, and Community Environmental Organizer (the only kind of CEO I will be).

My husband, Brad, and I have three awesome daughters.

In addition to organizing, I am a spiritual practitioner, sourdough baker, snowboarder, hiker, biker rider, and gardener. 


I created the Waste Warriors as a non-profit resource, which provides information on how to properly dispose of just about anything. I put on my Waste Warrior hat (literally) to teach about recycling best practices and pick up litter in my community.


My true passion and gift is in spatial problem solving. I study things like Feng Shui, the Golden Ratio, Montessori layouts, Wabi-Sabi, the Kon Mari Method, and various other “rightsizing” philosophies.


I find efficiency beautiful in its ability to generate time and ease. I am all about supporting environments that FEEL great to live in, with thoughtful and healthy circulation. I believe in trusting intuition as I help clients to both release and embrace the things serving them. 


 I love teaching others to "fish" (aka organize), so they can "eat" (live organized) for a lifetime. And I specialize in helping people with big stuff transitions like: unpacking, rightsizing, having children (who grow SO fast), and re-energizing work places.


I look forward to working together to CREATE ORGANIZING JOY!

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