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Writer's pictureMeg Schenck

Methods for a Mighty Month

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Monthly routines are a big part of my technique in staying on top of the great piles of life. I have a monthly “to do” list (surprise, surprise), but a list is only as powerful as it’s execution right? Or as Dwight Eisenhower put it,

“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.”

This discussion is a continuation of last week’s article, “13 Daily Habits for Neat Living” to dive further into the organizational structures I follow. From the last few days of any given month through the first couple days of the next, I am diligently accomplishing my monthly to do list. I look forward to this time and effort as a pay now, play later preparation.

I Set Up for Success Each Month By:

  • Restocking- I organize the pantry and fridge, clean out expired food, order stuff for the house, and put new things away.

  • Budgeting- I update our financial spreadsheet, pay bills (only a few, as most are automatic), review finances, and make any desired adjustments.

  • Emailing- While I check and respond to e-mails daily, I only clean out my inbox on a monthly basis. I unsubscribe from lists and archive save worthy communications.

  • Calendar Planning- I communicate with people, set up appointments, and update our schedules.

  • Gift Wrapping- I buy gifts all the time (when something connects), but I only wrap gifts occasionally.

  • Communicating- I take time each month to talk with my partner, Brad. We discuss our finances, calendar, marriage, children, travel plans, and anything else we can think of. I walk away from these conversations feeling more connected and prepared to tackle the month ahead.

  • Purging- I look for things we are done with and give them away. This is a practice I continue to become more efficient at as I streamline our habits.

  • Addressing the Occasional Stuff- I plan time for quarterly and semi-annual things like oil changes, doctor and dentist visits, jewelry inspections, air and water filters, vision boards, accounting, backing up technology, and seasonal decorating.

  • Photo Organizing- Okay, truthfully, I don’t do this YET. I have BIG plans for amazing photo books I can update regularly. I am in the hunt for a super-efficient photo organizing process. I will find a system, use it, and share it with you. I really will. I just need to figure it out first (suggestions please)!

And Specifically, For the Kid’s-

  • Upsizing Clothes- I give away clothes that no longer fit, organize hand-me-downs, and obtain anything needed. Because our girls are so little, their clothing changes quickly, but even adults can benefit from a monthly closet check.

  • Adjusting Car Seats- I’m the first to admit, I am obsessive about car safety. Our girls are growing quickly, so I check the car seat settings and the security of the anchors to ensure proper fit.

  • Refreshing Rooms- With toys, books, and gear I find that children’s rooms frequently need to be cleaned out (adult rooms simply don’t require as much maintenance). I work to rotate and limit toys. I also try to only keep soft toys, like stuffed animals, and books in the girl’s rooms. My goal is to make our kid’s rooms a safe and restful place for them to be alone.

  • Booking Babysitters- I have a list of sitters, which I made by interviewing a bunch of people, and I work to give everyone advanced notice on childcare.

Of Course, there are always items on the list that remain undone, but I do relish in the feeling of finishing when I work my list. I love this bit of philosophy on the subject,

“Rename your “To-Do” list to your “Opportunities” list. Each day is a treasure chest filled with limitless opportunities; take joy in checking many off your list.”

- Steve Maraboli

Love Always,


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